You Have Abilities That Can Set the Course for Others. Don't Hide Them!

"Once you're a part of an organization, or a relationship, or a community, you owe it to your team to start. To be the one who makes something happen. To do less is to steal from them." - Seth Godin

It can be nerve-racking to step out! I saw this in action once in a documentary with a lion pack. Mindy, the youngest cub, had hidden hunting skills, but she was afraid to contribute. You have great ideas that would help those around you. But like Mindy, you're scared of what others may think. So you ask yourself, โ€œWhat if they reject it?", "What if it is no good?" I will help you break that cycle of timidity, step out in confidence, and become a trailblazer for others.

Don't Allow the Opinions of Others to Scare You ๐Ÿ’ช

What if you spoke up and no one thought much of it? Let's look at Mindy for a second. She tried to contribute many times, but others in her pack pushed her aside. Even at meal times, they prevented her from eating. Remember, your response to circumstances will shape you.

Practice Makes Perfect ๐Ÿ‘Š

Don't be afraid to start. Take a leap of faith and trust in what you have to offer others. With every attempt to hunt, Mindy's skill grew. Always get up, and become the trailblazer. Failure is a practice run. It's not defeat. Change your mindset.

Donโ€™t Listen to Fear

Once you put your mind to it, you'll achieve it. Believe in what you have to contribute. If you're not convinced about your abilities, who will be? Don't allow fear to dictate to you. Mindy stood up to fear and became one of the packs leading hunters.

The only way to overcome fear is to face it. You have what it takes to succeed. Step out and contribute what you have. Don't hide your abilities because of fear. Reach out for help, and let's talk about it. Our Community of Apostles and Prophets is a GREAT place to start. ๐Ÿ˜‰

October 21-27, 2022

Join Apostles Craig & Colette Toach and the Next Gen Prophets team, live in South Africa. Spend a week with them in the City of Johannesburg and the plains of the Pilanesberg National Park. This prophetic retreat will be full of impartation, worship, training, and fun. If you want to see a lion, elephant, rhino, zebra, and more you must come.

Strategies of War - Battle Plans for the Modern Day Christian (Digital Book)

Warfare is a very important part of our Christian lives. Whether we know it or not, the enemy is always looking for a way to take down the children of God. Now it is time that you learned how to stop taking the hits and take the fight to him instead.


โ€œMost people don't recognize opportunities because it usually looks like hard work.โ€ - Thomas Edison

Please help me support our incredible Apostles Craig & Colette Toach. They represent the meaning of trailblazers. They step out in fear and trembling, conquering new lands for the Kingdom of God. Also, yesterday was their 27th anniversary! Let's show them our love and appreciation.

How to Connect:


Phone: (760) 466-7256

Community of Apostles and Prophets:


Step Up to Fear and Try Again!


A Recap of the 200th Episode Sponsors Only Event!