Step Up to Fear and Try Again!

Step Up to Fear and Try Again!  

Fear is not your friend. It cripples you to the point of no movement. As a result, you feel stuck. You are like an eagle chained to the ground. You have a choice to make. Will you get up and yank off the chain? Or stay? "Those who fear the risk also begin to fear movement of any kind." Seth Godin, Poke the Box

The Prison Warden

How many times did you watch your dreams slip through your fingers? You knew that you knew you should leap. But fear stood before you like a prison warden. Fear hurled questions at you that you couldn't answer. You cringed, afraid to take the leap of faith.

Take the Risk and Excel

You will not be the first to take risks. Abraham Lincoln failed many times. He left for war as a captain and came back a private. Lincoln failed many times to start a business. He was unsuccessful at political offices before he became president. He said, "My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure."

Yank the Chain Off

You will feel like it's the wrong choice when you step out. Don't panic. It's the voice of the prison warden speaking. Press through that phase. Get back up.


Speak to someone. Express your fears. There's no easy way to yank the chain off. Stare that warden in the eye. Remember, those who fear the risk also begin to fear movement. We have a community that is ready to stand with you. Join us here:

Until next week,

October 21st to 27th, 2022

Johannesburg and Pilanesberg, South Africa

Join Apostles Craig and Colette Toach and the Next Gen Prophets team, live in South Africa. Spend a week with them in the City of Johannesburg and the plains of the Pilanesberg National Park. This prophetic retreat will be full of impartation, worship, training, and fun local activities.

Hear the Call to Speak Out - Why We Can't Remain Silent

Check out Prophet Deborah-Anne's prophetic word in the Charisma Magazine! Read it here!

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein

How to Connect:


Phone: (760) 466-7256

Community of Apostles and Prophets:

Support the NextGen Prophets Podcast

Apostles Craig and Colette Toach have given a home for prophets to belong. As spiritual parents to the prophets, they started the NextGen Prophets Podcast. They continue to push the boundaries and mindset of prophets all over the globe.


Enlarge Your Borders. You Have What It Takes to Succeed!


You Have Abilities That Can Set the Course for Others. Don't Hide Them!