A Recap of the 200th Episode Sponsors Only Event!

Our 200th Episode recording for the NextGen Prophets Podcast was off the chain! If you missed it, we’re sorry we didn’t see you at the dinner table. But not to worry, I’m here to fill you in on the main highlight of this event. And if you were there, I’m sure you can testify to the following. Not only did the Holy Spirit stir us up with His revelation on the Marketplace Prophet via the Apostles but we got an assurance that this new move of God will be like nothing His people have ever seen. If that doesn’t get you jumping with excitement then I don’t know what will, LOL! God has indeed chosen us for such a time as this 😊

Before I jump in with the key insights of this event, I’ve gotta question to ask you! Prophet have you thought that being in the marketplace is your wilderness and you’ve anxiously been waiting for that moment where you can finally be used in a church setting? Well, Apostles Craig & Colette have cleared up this huge misconception for us.

God has perfectly positioned His prophets to build within their workplace! If you fall in this category, you’re not in deception!! You aren't meant to be restricted to building within church walls only. God is doing a new thing. And even in times past He’s always used His people in the systems of this world. Does Joseph, Mordecai, Esther amongst many others ring any bells? 😉 Yep, the Apostles were very clear on this.


  • Holy Spirit positions the Marketplace Prophet to combat the systems of the world to give Jesus license in those systems. They are positioned to change the rules and systems from within. (No more thinking the enemy has the upper hand, we can partner with God to establish His will!).

  • People view ministry as something that’s done only in church but God’s smashing that mindset. The church is meant for fellowship and collaboration, the world is our field (Matthew 5:14 - You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden).

  • A prophet in the marketplace is to take ground where they are placed, speaking God’s will into that darkness. They are called to bring the heart of Jesus everywhere they go!

  • God positions the marketplace prophet to open doors in the systems of the world for the church to get blessed. It’s not just about money and blessings but creating/building something that remains.

  • There’s always a progression and a mystery within the church when God is ushering in a new move. He first reveals this to His prophets (this comes with opposition but we are to stand and fight the good fight).

That about sums it up! There was so much to glean from at this event, so be sure to tune into the 200th Episode once it’s uploaded. There’s always more the Lord can and will reveal to us as we seek Him out for it 😉. Here’s to embracing this new move of God and playing our part to bring His will to pass for this end-times church movement #LETSGO

Tune into the NextGen Prophets Podcast: https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/nextgenprophets

In His Love & Joy
Joanny Moronta
Global Ministry Resources | Toach Ministries International 


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