Your reach just got extended!

When you partner with GMR, the things that seemed so impossible for you suddenly become possible for us. Our passion and God-given mandate is to help ministry leaders around the world fulfill the work that God has given them to do.

When you support us, you help us support the ministries and leaders you have been praying about! Have you been calling those leaders out of the wilderness? Have you been decreeing those sleeping giants to wake up? Have you been praying those mighty warriors through? Well, we found them and we want to add your fire to their flame! 

Maybe you can’t reach Africa, Europe, or even your neighbor next door, but we can! We want to take all of that passion you have for the body of Christ, and we want to pour it out in abundance to those who so desperately need the help!


Your contributions ensure that we will continually provide for those ministry leaders who are facing blockages but don’t know how to break through them. With your support, we are going to blow past those limitations and make their impossible possible!

Your reach can extend and when you become a partner of GMR, you plant a seed whose fruit will show in ministries worldwide! It all starts with you! Become a partner by filling out the form below and let’s reach further than any of us could have before!

Become a Partner

Wanna help us lend a hand to ministries across the globe, remove their blockages and get them moving forward? Fill out the form below and set up your monthly partnership contribution. (You are also welcome to give a one-time donation.)