Redefine your call. You don’t fit in the box, because you don’t belong in it. You have a ministry in the marketplace.

YOUR Call Can’t Be Boxed

“We are in the world, but not of the world.”

God positioned you in the world system with a purpose. Imagine spy agents all over the world, undetected. That’s what God's done in His Kingdom. He infiltrates the systems of this world and put His light on it. His light is YOU.

Your position gives Him a throne in that system.

You ARE the New Thing

You do warfare at the highest level. Every day you go to work, you bring light into the darkness. You give God license to move and put Him on the throne.

You are positioned to change systems and expand God's kingdom.

Get Marketplace Training


  • DATE: May 25th, 2022

  • TIME: 11am

  • Speaker: Dr. Steve Greene

On May 25th, Dr. Steve Greene, a Marketplace Apostle, hosts an exclusive training session to help you master your marketplace call. This is an online Zoom session.

Former dean of business at Oral Roberts University, with over 40 years in marketing and leadership, Dr. Steve Greene coaches and trains you in your marketplace ministry.


This training is free and exclusive for Next-Gen Sponsors. Not a sponsor? Become one and attend this free session. Sign up is easy, just click here.

Once a sponsor, details of the “Led by the Spirit in the Marketplace” session, will be emailed to you.

For questions, call Rebekah Beckering. She is the youngest daughter of Apostles Craig and Colette Toach. She is also the event coordinator.

Phone: (760) 466-7256

Email: wateringhole@gmrn.org