We Believe in These Ministries

It’s Apostles Craig and Colette Toach’s vision for every Prophet to Accelerate Their Prophetic Process. With their Podcast the #NextGenProphets, the Apostles blaze a trail in the Prophetic


As Spiritual parents, Apostles Craig & Colette Toach train up the next generation of fivefold ministers. Toach Ministries International is where you find Tribe.


Join us on the frontlines as we build God's kingdom together. It's only in unity and equipping of the saints will we see the world changed. Fivefold Ministry Campus is where you find community.


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Called. Commissioned. Mandated.

Why Would I Make My Best Book $4.99?

Because I value relationships over finances.

I wrote Called. Commissioned. Mandated. as a ministry survival guide to help you recognize where you are in your journey Today. It’s capable of converting your potential into fuel to reach your next major ministry landmark.

You’re in one of these three stages:

  1. Called: Christ separates you unto Him, refines your character, and trains you for your mandate.

  2. Commissioned: Man appoints you to the work of the ministry and ministry opportunities present themselves.

  3. Mandated: You receive a supernatural impartation to build a blueprint that future generations can follow.

I’ll give you 8 projects that boost your confidence in what God has done in your life.

I’ll train you to progress every single day to reach ministry maturity. I wrote this book as if you were one of my team members. So, it’s clearer, sharper, and more impactful than any of my other books.

Ruth 1:16

But Ruth said: “Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, And your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, And there will I be buried. The Lord do so to me, and more also, If anything but death parts you and me.”


Global Ministry Resources is a non-profit Christian based organization that “goes out to glean the fields” for those who support others. Ministry is the function of serving others. Whether as a pastor, nurse, missionary, essential worker or teacher, there are many who go beyond the call of duty to serve. We are here to let them know that their giving does not go unnoticed.


Our Mandate


Our ministry center is located in San Diego, California. In addition to our variety of “Miracle Campaigns” we host two meetings weekly at our center. Our doors are open Tuesday- Saturday 9am-5pm for those who need counseling, encouragement and prayer. For a meeting with our ministry team, please feel free to give us a call and make an appointment. - Nathan and Chaifa Berry, Founders, Global Ministry Resources

Being a support and blessing to those who support others - The GMR Team Motto

Meet our “Miracle Campaigner”!


Meet Rebekah Beckering, your “go to” for Global Ministry Resources.
Let me introduce myself! I grew up in a family of missionaries who are in full time ministry. I have done a good portion of world traveling with my parents since childhood. I recently married my incredible husband Dalton Beckering and found out there is a new level of grace that no one ever told me you get for marriage!

From a young age I was the “go to” whether hosting an event or raising funds for a conference. I have been the girl at the back of the meeting taking care of the kids. The woman in the kitchen preparing meals or the husky breeder/treat maker to sell in my neighborhood to raise funds for missionary trips.

Do You Share My Passion?

Growing up in the ministry I saw a lot of good people with intentions to help other were pure, but yet no one was ever there for them. I started by making coffees. As time progressed I started to raise finances to help bring their miracles to pass, just as they were doing for others.

In case you haven’t noticed, to me, family and friends are very important. These relationships are what help me to keep going and pouring out.

I know that I can’t bring these miracles to pass on my own, so that is why God has brought other mighty warriors with the same vision and passion to join me. My amazing team is always ready to serve and help pour out where they can.

So, together we have formed a team I lovingly call the GMR Team. We are set apart to fundraise and help make miracles happen for those out in the field.

I desire to invest back into those that spend countless hours giving others a second chance to live! Whether that person is a missionary or a local pastor of a community, nurses in the NICU or our community fire fighters - we want to assist in bringing miracles to pass!

I want to see missionaries sent out. I want to be the one to see and take care of the personal needs of our nurses no one else thinks of. So, I invite you to join me and my team as we help make those miracles happen. Let us not just sow seeds, but let us nurture them and see the fruit come from it.