Your Journey is Worth It! 

Your Journey is Worth It! 

"I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift not easy." - Marie Currie

I was ecstatic when I reached Disneyland.

But as I stood at the gate and saw the long journey ahead of me to get to the rides, I was discouraged. I did NOT want to walk so far. Life can feel discouraging sometimes.

You start excited at the possibilities.

But as the hills and valleys come into view, doubt sets in and you want to walk away from it all. You wonder to yourself, "Does it have to be so hard?" Take these steps to reap the benefits and the joy that lies ahead. Take my hand. ๐Ÿ‘‹

Stay Focused on What's Ahead ๐Ÿ‘€

Stay focused and empowered on your goal to finish the race.

See yourself achieve and walk in success. Allow this joy to fill you. I looked ahead, saw glimpses of rides, and heard the sounds of laughter and fun.

I wanted to experience that!

Allow This Journey to Shape You ๐Ÿ’ช

Your response shapes you.

Look at the knowledge and wisdom you'll gain. I had a choice to make, would I ruin my friends' trip by being a sour puss, or was I going to make happy memories? This was the moment for me to connect and have fun with great friends at Disneyland.

Enjoy your journey.

In Your Lowest Moments, Lean on Others to Guide You 

Trust is hard work.

There are days your feet canโ€™t carry you. Lean on those around you. Listen to their perspective and wisdom.

I saw the wonders of the journey through my friends' eyes. I had the BEST time of my life!

*|FIRST_NAME|*, Stand your ground. Your journey is worth it. Rest in the wisdom of others to guide you. Your search is over! Join our Prophetic Mentorship Program to understand and find joy in your process. You'll learn your grace, your type, and how to work with others. Never walk alone again, Apostles Craig and Colette Toach are here to give you a layout of your battlefield.

This is ME. Sign me UP! - REGISTER HERE

 Upcoming Event

This is a sponsor exclusive event. Come see what a NextGen Evangelist looks like! Youโ€™ve NEVER seen an evangelist like this.  Think about it, have you seen an evangelist work in a TEAM of fivefold ministers?


Joshua Smith from Kingdom Encounters International is on the cutting edge of a new move and weโ€™re right there with them. Scratch that... YOU are right there with them.

FREE Quest: Accept Your Prophetic Self

July 6-29, 2022

This is a 1-month FREE event where you meet 9 prophets of different prophetic types. You discover what type of prophet you are along the way. They guide you to recognize your grace and give you the right advice to succeed. Until you know who you are and see proof of your prophetic type.

Prophetic Mentorship Program


In this program, you'll discover your prophetic type, grace, audience, and obedience. You're mentored by 2 apostles with 25 years of ministry experience. They teach, guide, impart, and release Godโ€™s will. Until you mature and recognize your identity and mandate.


"Stand your ground. Your journey is worth it." - Jodia Mattison

Support Your Spiritual Parents โœ…

Before I go, help me support my spiritual parents, Apostles Craig and Colette Toach. For the next two months, August and September, they'll lay down their lives to mentor over 100 prophets! No, itโ€™s not a prank! It's true, 100 prophets! Pray them through and most of all, letโ€™s take care of them!

I want to bless my spiritual parents. โค๏ธ


How to Connect:


Phone: +1 (760) 466 - 7256

Community of Apostles and Prophets:



Step Through Your Open Door with Confidence!


Meet the REAL You!